Hidden Pages » Volunteering at Holy Spirit School

Volunteering at Holy Spirit School

Welcome to the Holy Spirit Community! We understand that our parents might have questions about volunteering and how to get involved at their children’s school. We hope these FAQs provide helpful information for you and your family. 
Why is volunteering required at Holy Spirit?  
At Holy Spirit School, the education of each child is a cooperative effort involving administrators, teachers, staff, parents and parishioners. We firmly believe that positive interaction with caring adults significantly improves our students’ achievement and models the behavior of serving others. We require parental involvement because we are committed to giving every one of our students this advantage for life. 
How many hours of volunteering is my family required to do? 
We require that every Holy Spirit family volunteer a minimum of 40 hours throughout the year.   
What do I need to do before I start volunteering at the school? 
  • Fingerprinting  
  • Safe Environment Training 
  • Adult Volunteer Waiver 
  • TB Risk Assessment or TB Test 
Can someone other than parents volunteer and accrue hours towards our family requirement? 
We are blessed to have many grandparents, aunts, uncles and siblings 18 years and older involved in different aspects of our school community. If you believe that your child will benefit from another family member being involved in their school life, or you anticipate that you might ask a family member to cover a shift you are unable to fulfill, please have those people complete our Fingerprinting, Safe Environment and Yard Duty training before they sign up to volunteer. 
What volunteer opportunities are available? 
There are many opportunities available. Parents usually find areas of interest based either on their skills and past experiences or on skills and experiences they would like to build for the future.  
The majority of these opportunities have aspects that can and need to be done at home, school and/or outside of the regular school day.   Although other volunteer opportunities may be available during the year, most of our opportunities fall into one of the following 5 categories: 
  • Fundraising 
  • Community Engagement 
  • School-wide Programs 
  • Student Learning and Life 
  • School Advisory Board 
Calls for volunteers are posted frequently on Parent Square and at the First Day of School Welcome Coffee. 
What happens if I cannot fulfill my required volunteer hours? 
Although it is always preferable that you complete your required volunteer hours, we recognize that sometimes this is not possible.  Hardships need to be discussed with Administration and will be addressed on an individual basis.  If you are unable to complete your required 40 volunteer hours by April 30th of the school year, you will be invoiced $10 for each uncompleted hour. 
Are there leadership opportunities available? 
At some point during your family’s journey at Holy Spirit, some of you will feel called to use your leadership skills to help our school community. When that time comes for you, we would like you to consider becoming a member of our School Advisory Board. A couple of times each year, our School Advisory Board (SAB) President reaches out to the community soliciting interest for membership to the Board. If you are interested in learning more about the SAB and how you may contribute, please reach out to the SAB President or any school Administration Staff. 
**We thank you in advance for your commitment to your children’s school. If you have more questions, please contact [email protected]