Kindergarten Curriculum
Holy Spirit students in Kindergarten will:
- Understand the Bible is a holy book
- Retell familiar Bible Stories, i.e. Noah’s Ark, the Good Samaritan, the Nativity Story
- Identify Church holidays and explain why they are special and important to us
- Recognize that God is our Father and is a loving creator
- Participate in family projects to gain awareness of how to be kind and treat others
- Write numbers in proper format
- Count and compare sets of numbers
- Identify shapes in 1D, 2D, and 3D form
- Add and subtract numbers between 1-10
- Identify different types of money
- Measure objects as shorter or taller, longer or shorter
- Review identifying all letters and their specific letter sounds
- Read 95 sight words
- Blend sounds together for CVC (consonant/vowel/consonant) words
- Break down words to spell phonemically
- Identify and read consonant blends
- Participate in reader's theatre to explore the genre of plays
- Write sentences starting with a capital letter, using a finger space between each word, and ending with punctuation
- Include three sentences as details about a topic
- Correctly write both first and last names
- Use correct grip on pencils and crayons
- List ways to be a good citizen
- Identify the different communities to which they belong, i.e. their country, neighborhood, church, and school
- Explain the role and purpose of community workers
- Retell stories about the heroes of our country
- Discover basic note values: whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth note
- Identify the staff, treble clef and bass clef signs
- Sing and play simple songs and put movement to song
- Be encouraged to enjoy singing, expanding their range and confidence to sing in front of others
- Perform in the Advent Program and Spring Sing musical program
- Music class meets once per week for 30 minutes