Transitional Kindergarten Curriculum

Holy Spirit School’s Transitional Kindergarten program prepares our youngest students for kindergarten. We provide a loving environment, stressing a positive approach to success in daily activities. Our faculty encourages the development of self-respect for others and the respect of authority in and outside of the classroom.
As a Catholic Transitional Kindergarten, religious development is of primary importance. This is approached simple and in the total context of the child’s life. Holy Spirit School believes values are cultivated in a child, through examples experiences in everyday situations and by lessons. Students will learn short prayers at group time. Songs, stories, and activities will often be of religious nature and will: proclaim God’s greatness, center on Christ, follow scripture and the church’s teachings, relate life experiences to the Good News and prepare students for Christian leadership.
  • Learn about God’s love for them
  • Hear appropriate scripture stories that tell of God’s love and connect these stories to the children’s lives
  • Learn respect for others
  • Learn prayers and songs to actively engage the children in their desire to know and love God
  • Use language to express thoughts, feelings and ideas
  • Take turns speaking and listening in a group
  • Develop skills related to self-expression: speaking confidently and clearly in a group and contributing to class discussions
  • Think, reason, use judgement and problem solving skills and gain comprehension
  • Develop phonemic awareness
  • Follow oral directions and develop listening skills
  • Use and learn vocabulary and visual discrimination
  • Develop a positive self image and self confidence
  • Develop and learn how to work cooperatively with others and relate to others in centered-group activities and situations
  • Develop self-help skills
  • Learn how to share and cooperate in play with others
  • Learn respect of school materials and classroom routines
  • Begin to develop skills in being courteous, dependable and cooperative
  • Develop relationships with others
  • Number and operations
  • One to one correspondence
  • Patterning
  • Sorting
  • Counting
  • Recognizing and writing numerals
  • Number order
  • Probability
  • Correct pencil grip
  • Tracing
  • Scissor control – cutting shapes
  • Tying shoes
  • Zipping and buttoning